Technology changes rapidly. In the case of electronics, it has resulted in a surplus of electronic waste worldwide. All secondary electronic devices like computers, mobile phones, cassette recorder and players, television sets, refrigerators, and other electronic machines are considered “electronic waste” or “e-waste.” Secondary means the items were either sold, donated, discarded by the original owner.
Re-using secondary products that are still in working condition is one way of extending its lifespan. Most developed countries export their old electronic products to developing countries in Asia. The problem lies when these devices are no longer in used, they are dumped in areas where there are no facilities for e-waste disposal.
Recycling is another way to save the spare parts of old products that are still reusable. However, the hazardous chemicals may harm the workers in the recycling site as well as the surroundings.
Whether in developed or developing countries, recycling and disposing of e-waste pose hazard not only to human health, but to the environment as well due to the chemical contents of electronic devices such as beryllium, brominated flame retardants, cadmium and lead, among others. Proper e-waste processing needs to be given emphasis by authorities worldwide.
For inquiries, health concerns and in need of health services within reach visit Online Consultation @ Easy Health MD
Written By Monch Bravante
Re-using secondary products that are still in working condition is one way of extending its lifespan. Most developed countries export their old electronic products to developing countries in Asia. The problem lies when these devices are no longer in used, they are dumped in areas where there are no facilities for e-waste disposal.
Recycling is another way to save the spare parts of old products that are still reusable. However, the hazardous chemicals may harm the workers in the recycling site as well as the surroundings.
Whether in developed or developing countries, recycling and disposing of e-waste pose hazard not only to human health, but to the environment as well due to the chemical contents of electronic devices such as beryllium, brominated flame retardants, cadmium and lead, among others. Proper e-waste processing needs to be given emphasis by authorities worldwide.
For inquiries, health concerns and in need of health services within reach visit Online Consultation @ Easy Health MD
Written By Monch Bravante
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